Frequenty Ask Question
How long does Trimlight last?
The lifetime of the system depends on how often you use your system. The typical lifespan is 50,000 hours. On an average, the system will last between 20-30 (assuming it is only used during nighttime.)
What Happens if a Light Goes Out?
Trimlight comes with a lifetime product warranty. Simply reach out to us and request to have the light replaced. You may or may not be charged a service charge depending on the labor warranty cycle, but the faulty product will be covered under warranty.
Can I Pair Trimlight To My Home Network?
Yes, the Trimlight system has the capability to be paired to your home network, however, keep in mind we cannot guarantee Trimlight will connect to your home network based on many variables outside our control such as type of router/modem, firewall settings, potential obstacles, interference from other devices, etc.
Can I program Trimlight from a computer?
Trimlight is an app driven technology which is why it will not work with PCs. Trimlight is designed to work with any iphone or android device. The app will also work with most Mac computer systems since they are also app driven.
Can I use Trimlight with both android or iphone?
Absolutely, the trimlight app is designed to work with any iphone or android device. The app will also work with most Mac computer systems since they are app driven. It will not work with PCs
Can I customize colors with Trimlight? If so, how?
Yes, from the color palette screen simply long press any color circle outside the gray line box and a window will pop up giving you the option to slide your finger through the color spectrum to a specific custom color or type in RGB codes for different color options. Then click OK and that custom color will be saved in that color circle.
How do I or can I rename a saved pattern?
You can rename a save pattern by simply connecting to Trimlight app, press enter, then click on clock icon at bottom right. From there you will see a list of all current patterns. Swipe left on pattern you would like to rename and you will see an option appear to rename or delete the pattern.
How do I or can I rename a saved pattern?
You can rename a save pattern by simply connecting to Trimlight app, press enter, then click on clock icon at bottom right. From there you will see a list of all current patterns. Swipe left on pattern you would like to rename and you will see an option appear to rename or delete the pattern.
How do I perform a soft reset?
Simply locate the white Trimlight controller, unplug it for 1 solid minute, then plug back in. You can also cut power to the white controller by pulling out the green cube next to the blue or green light for 1 minute then plugging back in. This will clear any error codes in your controller without deleting any patterns or timers you have saved.
If I unplug power to Trimlight, do I lose saved patterns/timers?
No, the Trimlight controller has a built in battery so all saved programs and timers will not be lost if the controller loses power. That being said, we always recommend keeping the Trimlight controller plugged in at all times unless performing a soft reset or hard reset.
What is the "pair new device" button?
The “pair new device” button allows you to pair Trimlight to your home network. Keep in mind we cannot guarantee Trimlight will connect to your home network based on many variable outside our control such as type of router/modem, firewall settings, potential obstacles, interference from other devices, etc.
If I move, can I have the Trimlight system moved to my new home?
Unfortunately you cannot have your existing Trimlight system removed and used again on another home. Trimlight is designed to be a permanent fixture on the home and the channel is specifically ordered to match the color, style and footage of your existing home so it would not meet the criteria to be utilized on another structure.
There are different types of white in lighting, what does Trimlight have?
With RGB lights pure white is using a combination of red, green and blue to create the color. Therefore, the pure white setting may appear to have a blue hue, some people see the hue and some do not. We recommend looking at pure white from the sidewalk or street before trying to adjust the setting. If you still want to take the blue out, you can go into the custom color setting, type in 255 in each box below the corresponding R-G-B. From there, slowly decrease the number in the blue category until you see a white light you like. You can also use google to search for lists of RGB codes for different white hues.
How many colors can I show at once with Trimlight?
You can show up to 7 colors at a time and program up to 30 lights of each color. For example, you can program 30 red, 15 orange, 1 purple, 5 white, etc. The key is to not program more than 30 per color and you can do up to 7 different colors in each pattern created.
How does your Lifetime Product Warranty work?
Trimlight provides an industry leading lifetime product warranty. This warranty covers any components of the Trimlight system for the life of those components. When used properly the components in the Trimlight system should last 20 to 30 years. If the system is left on 24 hours per day this greatly diminishes the lifetime of the product.
Do you have a setting for warm white?
Yes, we have a preset for warm white on the custom color palette screen. Click on the color circle labeled WW which is the first circle on the second row. Is there another way to find and program custom colors? Yes, in addition to long pressing a custom color circle and dragging your finger across the color spectrum, you can also type in RGB codes directly into the boxes below the R-G-B settings. For a list of custom color RGB codes to input, use google to search for RGB color code charts.
Can I set up a daily timer and calendar event on the same day?
Yes you can, but we recommend not overlapping your daily timer with a calendar event. For example, you can create a calendar event for a holiday and set that to run from 7pm to 11pm. Then you could set a daily timer to come on from 11:01pm to midnight or even to 5am. As long as the timers to not overlap they will work correctly.
How many patterns can I save in Trimlight app?
You can save up to 30 patterns in the Trimlight app. Once you go over that, you will receive a message that you have exceeded your pattern limit. At that point simply click on clock icon at bottom right. From there you will see a list of all current patterns. Swipe left on patterns you would like to delete and you will see an option appear to rename or delete the pattern.
How do they look during the day?
Trimlight’s patented channel system is designed to match the color of the roofline, blending in seamlessly to hide the wires from view. They lock the lights securely in place and they are hardly noticeable during the day.
Are they HOA approved?
Trimlight typically needs prior approval from HOAs. We have found Trimlight is widely accepted by most HOAs once a meeting has been established with committee leaders to show how the Trimlight system works; that it is hidden during the day, programmable for specific holidays and there are assurances that any repairs or maintenance issues will be resolved in a timely manner.
Where does controller box go?
Typically the Trimlight control box is mounted on an interior wall inside a garage or under a carport. The Trimlight system simply plugs into a regular outlet.
How much do they cost?
Trimlight pricing varies depending on what part of the country you live in, specific pricing can be provided by local dealers in your area. Trimlight is very cost effective considering the system comes with a lifetime product warranty and will last for decades.
How much electricity do they use?
Trimlight uses exclusive LED technology which is extremely energy efficient. Each diode uses .6 watts of power which means most homes Trimlight systems use less energy than 1-2 light bulbs. Trimlight uses 1/10 the energy of incandescent lights and lasts 10 times longer.
Do diodes fade in the sun?
Typically, LED diodes with lenses can become faded or damaged due to constant sun exposure over time. However, Trimlight’s residential lighting has no lens or covering, just the direct LED shows out of the channel, which means Trimlight LEDs will not fade, get cloudy or become discolored over time like many other exterior LEDs. Furthermore, Trimlight residential LEDs face down and below the channel which further protects them from constant sun exposure.
Can I turn them on/off when away from home?
With Trimlight’s user friendly app, you can pre-program your lights to turn on and shut off on specific days and times. This allows you to set up any lighting schedule you want so you don’t have to worry about it while you are away on business or vacation. You can also set your system up to specific dates and patterns for holidays, sporting events or any special occasions months in advance. With Trimlight, you can set it and forget it.
Be The First In Your Neigborhood To Showcase Your Colors
Let’s Light Up Your Home for Every Moment
Trimlight is an innovative, patented lighting system that allows customers to have permanent, exterior lighting professionally installed on their homes and businesses, eliminating the hassle and worry out of hanging Christmas or holiday lights ever again!